Friday, August 29, 2014

Disease Proof

For too long the media has produced a debatable view of nutrition and health; a widespread misunderstanding of the link between the benefit of a balanced diet and achieving health -what is healthy and what is not. From this has come misleading diets and fads that are based upon hype and hope with no real scientific data or information to support them. What then can one do to eat their way to health - what is the link between nutrition and health and how does a balanced diet support or hinder our ability to stay healthy and avoid illness?

In this post we will explore the link between a nutritionally balanced diet and health based upon not hype or hope, but scientific data, studies, and scholarly resources that provide a solid foundation for the following suggestions and guidelines. From this one can better understand how the standard American diet (SAD) is detrimental to our health. My only hope is that this will clear the confusion and misconception that so many hold about dietary guidelines so that we as a nation can share and enjoy the benefits of healthy living one serving at a time.

A Healthy Heart Starts With A Healthy Diet

A heart healthy diet is key to improving American health and eating healthier is really easier than you may think. Following simple guidelines set forth by The American Heart Association found here encourage good eating habits that both you and your family can practice.  Simple eating habits such as choosing healthier oils when cooking, limiting the amount of added sugars in your food, to eating more fruits and vegetables all provide a customary lifestyle that can be adopted and passed down from one generation to the next so that we may live longer and healthier lives. 

Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Illness and Disease

The growing epidemic of disease and illness that affect this country is in fact related to dietary and lifestyle changes. Read more here. With changes occurring in industrialization, economic development, and market globalization a rapid change was seen in diet and lifestyle. This is having a significant impact on healthy and nutrition because while the standards of living have improved, so has the availability and diversity of food that is now available to the consumer. Because of this there have been multiple and significant negative consequences due to poor and less than appropriate diet choices and patters leading to an uprise in nutrition related chronic disease and illness. 

A general conclusion of recent studies has only reenforced what experts already knew about the relation between diet and illness and/or disease, but also revealed new findings that suggest diet and nutrition modification could in fact prevent most cases of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, cancers, dental disease, cataracts, and even birth defects. See more here

More about malnutrition can be viewed here.
Furthermore, studies have also seen detrimental and serious negative affects from malnutrition, or an inadequate or unbalanced diet that can lead to fatigue, dizziness, and weight loss in minor conditions. More severe cases, if untreated, can lead to mental or physical disability, illness, and even death. The simple solution? Eat a balanced diet of nutrition-dense food as will be covered in my following discussion. 


American Heart Association. (2014). Healthy Eating Habits Start at Home. Retrieved from
MedLine Plus. (2014). Malnutrition: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
Willett, W., Koplan, J., Nugent, R., Dusenbury, C., Puska, P., & Gaziano, T. (2006).Prevention of Chronic Disease by Means of Diet and Lifestyle Changes - Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries - NCBI Bookshelf. Retrieved from
World Health Organization. (2014). Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases. Retrieved from